Granite State Houndsmen
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Each month, we publish a newsletter of recent activity.
This page contains the most recent newsletter published to our members.


from the Granite State Houndsmen

January/February 2008

                                         Happy New Year!!




2008 Meeting Dates


February 26

March 25

April 22

May 27

June 24

July 22

August 226

September 23

October 28

November 25


Our meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the clubhouse.  Please plan on attending.


2008 UKC Events


Sunday February 17th -    1PM Bench Show


Saturday March 22th – 1PM Bench Show

Saturday April 26th – Granite State Spring Classic BS 1PM, FT 3PM, NH 8PM

Saturday May 31st – BS 1PM, FT 3PM, NH 8PM



We need your help to make these events successful.  Please plan on helping out in the kitchen, taking entries, selling shirts, hats or 50/50 raffle tickets.



Annual Banquet


We are in the planning stages of the 2008 banquet.  Any ideas for date and place would be great. 



Rabies & Microchip Clinic


Time to start looking at a date for this.  We usually have it in late April.  We’ll talk about this at the meeting on Tuesday.


Bobcat Hunting in NH


A meeting was held at Rick Graham’s a couple of weeks ago to discuss the possibility of getting bobcat hunting and trapping back in NH.  There seems to be an increase in the # of cats getting caught in traps as well as road kills.


A few houndsmen got together at the request of Dan Dockham.  There were about 8 hunters there as well as the Carroll County Fish and Game Commissioner and Pat Tate, furbearer biologist out of NH F&G Region 3 in Durham.


This is was just a preliminary meeting to talk about what would need to be done to start the process of getting hunting and trapping re-instated.  According to Pat, there will need to be a lot of scientific research done to find out what the population in NH is. 


I’ll keep you posted on the topic as we find out more of what we as hunters, trappers and houndsmen need to do and help with.



Membership Dues


2008 Dues are due!

Please send in your dues or pay them at the next meeting/event.


  You can pay them at a meeting or mail them to:

Wayne Stevens

48 Ledge Farm Rd

Nottingham, NH  03290


Memberships are still only $15.00 per year for an Adult

$5.00 per year - Junior Member (age 16 & younger)

$25 Family (Parent(s) & children under 18)

Memberships paid after Oct 1 are good through the next year.


A membership form is provided at the bottom of this newsletter for your convenience.  Simply tear it off and mail it along with your check, payable to GSHA, to Wayne.


Who To Contact


For more information on anything that is going on in the club, don’t hesitate to contact one of the following officers:


·         Wayne Stevens, President
(603) 679-3464 or

·         Mike Crooks, Vice President


·         Secretary

·         Kristen Murray, Treasurer
(603) 942-9936 or






 APPLICATION:Please cut and submit with your dues. Thank You!GRANITE STATE HOUNDSMEN ASSOCIATION


NAME: ______________________________________

STREET: ______________________________________




EMAIL: ______________________________________

How did you hear of the association?:______________________________________________I __Authorize __Do Not Authorize

the Association to release this information to other association members.

I __Authorize __Do Not Authorize

The Association to release pictures of me and/or my animals and my name when submitting articles for publication.

SIGNATURE:____________________________________________Membership Fee: ____New ____$15.00 Adult

____Renewal ____$5.00 Junior* ____ $25 Family

*Junior Membership applies ages under 16. Parent signature is required below.My child _______________________, is allowed to participate in events held by the Granite State Houndsmen Association. I accept the inherent risks that may occur during events and agree the association will not be held legally liable for any injuries that may occur.Parent Signature: ____________________________________________Date________